1st Grade learned about Earth Day!

Game Play Party in full swing for students who reached their AR reading goals!

S.T.E.A.M Lab fun! Creative learning.

We read about ocean habitats in the library and then created our own!

The Baseball Fundraiser Event has been rescheduled for Friday, April 29!

8th grade students need to bring or email baby/child pictures to Mrs. Kernkamp or Coach Miller by Wednesday for the graduation sideshow.

Information on changes for our Choctaw Nation students that are apart of the STAR program. Download a pdf copy at https://5il.co/196cj

Softball District Games are being moved to Friday due to wet field conditions.

BBQ Bash is tonight from 5-7pm. Let us do the cooking for you! Good food, great entertainment, silent auction and an inflatable for the kids!

Reminder that all 11th Grade students will be testing in the morning. KTC has been notified that 11th grade students will be at our campus.

The Indianola School BBQ Bash is tomorrow from 5 to 7 pm. There is great tasting smoked meats by Jerry Hamilton, a silent auction, and musical entertainment by Ralph Cox. Come join us for this whole school fundraiser sponsored by the Canadian Masonic Lodge 22 of Indianola. See you there!

Reminder: No School Monday, April 18, 2022!

GearUP students please notice some summer opportunities at EOSC.

PreK had a visit from the Easter Bunny and hunted eggs!

JH Track competed in the Pitt 8 Track Meet!

Free Summer Tech Camps!

Order your yearbooks!

Today was Ms. Alexis' last day in 3rd grade helping and learning from Mrs. Effinger!

Spring picture proofs went home today. Also, Cap and Gown pictures for Kindergarten, 8th Grade (those not going to track) are tomorrow.

No JH after-school baseball practice.