July 9, 2024
The school calendar can also be found in the Warrior News App or on our website at www.indianola.k12.ok.us

December 10, 2023
Christmas Break is coming up! Staff reports back for professional development January 2, 2024. Classes resume January 3, 2024!

October 5, 2023
Carnival is FRIDAY, October 6! Drama Club trailer for upcoming plays and CORONATION in the Auditorium at 6pm. Carnival games and Bingo to follow. Bingo in the Cafeteria - $1/...

August 8, 2023
Meet the teachers and staff, get JOM Supplies, put supplies in elementary classrooms, and pickup JH/HS schedules Tuesday, August 8, 2023!

July 28, 2023
If your child has a CDIB card on file or if you have a new student and have provided us with a copy, your child's school supplies will be ready for them to pick up on Meet the tea...

July 3, 2023
Students who already attend Indianola Schools can be enrolled online through the parent portal. If you need login information, please call 918-558-0800 8am-2pm Monday-Thursday. N...

February 12, 2021
The Town of Indianola began in 1875, then Indian Territory, when H.M. McElhany, a Cherokee moved to the area and opened a one-room store. On January 16, 1891, now Oklahoma Territ...